Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Agility Drop in

Don't forget the agility drop in Thursday Dec 1.... The Beginners at 6:30 and the more advanced Class is at 8:00.. Ron will be running these classes and as always will provide a challenging evening.. Wesson and I will be there we hope to see you there...  As always the equipment will remain up over the weekend...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Good Bad Ugly

The "Good" Wesson got 2nds in Jumpers and a 1st in fast and that all resulted in a new Title
Wesson NA, NJWW

The "Bad" Laura did not Q all weekend

The "Ugly" on Saturday they both managed to humble me with each having a really bad run

Friday, November 25, 2011


Off to Zanesville for the Sheltie Trial.. Laura entered in ex Jumpers and Std...As long as she runs well and does the weave poles I'll be a happy a camper.. Wesson has a full load novice jumpers, open STD, novice fast and the new event time to beat... Looking for some Q's

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Welcome to the Big Times Kennel Blog

Welcome to the first post of the Big Times Kennel Blog. It is our hope to keep our clients and students up to date on all that is happening around our world. With all that we do and all the lives we touch (both 2 legged and 4 legged) I am sure there will be plenty to write about. Classes, competitions, students, boarders and just plain stuff we will try to hit it all. I am sure some weeks there will be plenty and some weeks will be dry. I will try and keep it as up to date as possible. I hope you enjoy it.