Thursday, June 9, 2016

Update on White Tipped Tail

Update on White Tipped Tail

An update to the cat named White Tipped Tail story... Maureen has captured her friend and he (she thinks it is a boy) spent the night in a cat condo.. She has felt terrible all night as she believes she betrayed his trust.. But today will be a better day as she has already contacted the vet and he will be feliine leukemia tested first and if negative will be neutered and updated his shots.. Her long term plan is to try and let him join the Morty and Oscar show, but if that does not work let him return to his outdoor world... feed him every night but let him come and go as he pleases... she feels he is young so anything is possible... I do hope things work out for him... Pictures to follow of our new addition...

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

A Cat Named White Tipped Tail

Maureen and a cat named White Tipped Tail

Maureen has been stalking this cat for a couple of months now.. I was coming late at night at first (1/2 in the am) she would leave food out for it but eventually the racoons found the feast and would clean the bowl before the cat got to it.. Result we trapped and disposed of a few racoons. But being racoon they kept on coming and broughts friends. that forced Maureen watch the food and chase the racoons away when they would come, but they got smart and would not leave.. Maureen vs Racoons they won.. So on to the next plan put food out at 6 pick up food at dusk.. Finally the cat figured it out but did not come regularly.. Well that is now resolved this is a picture with the cat hanging out with Maureen... I will post more later.. She has now earned the title Crazy Cat Lady


And a little Video


Sunday, June 5, 2016

Gem City Trial May 5


I spent the early morning at the Gem City Agility Trial  watching 2 of our students... Colleen and Cooper , Ruth and Ponto... Both did really well qualifying in the excellent jumper class... Wanted to stay for the day both chores are calling... 

The course How would you run it??

Colleen and Cooper

Ruth and Ponto