As you can see not many people shared my enthusiasm for rising early.
That is Laura's airline crate
Notice the nice wide aisles. As you can see the place started filling up quickly as the day went on.
My view of the crating area
Laura seems to approve of the spot...
And now the people. Ohio was well represented at the event, here are a few of who was there.
Isn't it funny how few names I actually know. I seem to only know people by the dog they run and the class they are in. The BC guy from the "Falls" the blond with the english setters The red headed Steelers fan with the gordon setters, the portie guy, the couple withe eskimo dogs, the rhodesian guy. I could go on and on but you get the idea..
But there is one whose name I always know a lady who is always quick to help and answer questions or what ever.. Met her many years ago in Cleveland. "Maureen Setter"Checking in was a trip but the line moved quickly and we got thru it in no time I was about halfway back the front of the line is the doorway in the distance.
Here is my cheap Invitational Picture
2011 AKC National Agility Invitational
Ch Reillys First Lady of Lajeron CD AX AXJ OF
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