Friday, April 10, 2015

Session 1 Tuesday Class

It always takes a lot to leave a nice warm house to come out to a very cold hill enter a warm but not toasty barn to spend an evening training your dog..   This group stuck it out through all the cold and snowy weather...

This was one of those classes you just enjoy being around..  2  monster dogs in Eros and Pi..  2 possible agility dogs .. A future therapy dog, a rescue who found a wonderful home, a fuzzy puppy who stressed challenged her Mom,   a lab looking to become a tracking dog and a wonderful lab puppy who was not only the leader of the class but a super nice puppy, who we hope to see in the future..

To the group thanks for letting me meet all these wonderful dogs


Amy & Gordon


Brenda & Heidi


Carly & Millie


Donna & Sadie


Iris & Bella


Lori & Eros


Lori & Pi


Pam & Elffie


Tom & Ellie

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