Friday, January 15, 2016

Bad and Good

Dan and Smedley

Dan and Smedley demo a different problem..  Smedley makes the wrap but goes under the bar..  Always something as this was a problem Dan did not expect..
Patience and attention to detail the team got things going in the right direction..

The Bad

The Good

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Bad and Good

Colleen and Cooper

Same problem, different dog.. Handled in the same manner now timing becomes the issue.. With Coopers size and speed the game remains the same but things happen faster..  

The Bad 

The Good

Monday, January 11, 2016

Bad and Good

Ruth and Kerrie

Things do not always go as planned but there is something to be learned no matter how things turn out..  The problem here is Ruth is running right at the entrance to the tunnel.  Kerrie like many dogs likes the tunnel..  Compare the 2 videos and see what you would change..

The Bad

The Good